Thursday, February 3, 2011

Talk...and your team now!

In his newsletter, Productive Living, David Allen, of Getting Things Done (GTD) fame, noted he had talked with all of his team individually over the past few months and was amazed at what he learned.  Leaders of large programs, projects, teams, and initiatives, typically cross-functional and distributed, can benefit from this as well. As part of your leadership strategy in 2011, make listen & learn a periodic focus:
  1. Talk to everyone...preferably face-to-face. Yes that may be hard but face time shows this is important to you and the value you place on them not you.  Exclude no one no matter where they are in the "hierarchy".
  2. Don't just talk...listen. Talk is really the wrong word--listen and engage them. This is about your team member not you.
  3. No boundaries. Explore potential insights and "out-of-the box" suggestions. I am always amazed at the great, innovative ideas simmering below the surface that have no outlet. Set the tone by your listening and being open to what evolves in the conversation.
  4. Look for synergies and potential connections. By talking with everyone you will have a broad range of insights and pieces of information about your team and its work
  5. Focus on your learning not their performance. This is not a performance review but your chance to listen and learn.  Emphasize this is for you to learn and in so doing help the team to learn and grow both as individuals and as a team.
  6. Share what you learn.  There is no learning without sharing.  Let your team know the insights and creative ideas their fellow teams members have.

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